Leila Sen was born in Calcutta, India, at the end of WWII. They were the final days of the British Raj as India embarked on her fight for independence. She attended Loreto Convent School and College in Darjeeling and Calcutta, and received her education from the Irish nuns of that Order who encouraged her love of writing. As a children’s author, her storytelling has captivated children in local schools, Barnes and Noble, and the San Francisco Asian Art Museum. An award-winning poet, she won The Writer’s Foundation America’s Best in 1994 & 1995, as well as the Poets & Writers Nature Award. Her work has appeared in several anthologies, including Waters Edge, Meditations, and Weber Studies, and is much enjoyed by visitors to the Tourist Board of Wales’ website of the Fairy Glen in the UK.

Leila joined British Airways as a stewardess based, first in Calcutta (Kolkata) and then in Bombay (Mumbai). She spent many happy years flying the skies and seeing the world.